No doubt, if you have driven through the Glen Allen Drive area recently, you have noticed the fencing and the sounds of construction coming from hospital property.

All this is part of the redevelopment of our regional hospital, a project which the Health Services Foundation of the South Shore has been working closely with Nova Scotia Health on.

But this is more than a redevelopment; it will transform how you and your loved ones receive care at South Shore Regional.

This $115.7-millionproject will increase the over 30-year old hospital’s footprint by about 30%, tripling the size of our Emergency Department, enlarging Daycare Surgery, as well as an Endoscopy Unit.

The initiative will also see the addition of a 12-bed Dialysis Unit and a long-awaited MRI diagnostic machine, meaning South Shore residents will no longer need to travel to receive this care; they can access these services here in their community.

When construction is complete, the health care experience for our patients will be forever transformed. And the surroundings in which our dedicated medical and support staff care for our community will be purpose-built, efficient, modern, spacious, functional and inviting.

The Health ServicesFoundation is excited to be in the early stages of planning the fundraising effortsto purchase medical equipment for these new spaces and for our community. These efforts are being headed by local businessmenDavid Himmelman and Tim O’Regan

Watch for more details in the near future!