The Health Services Foundation of the South Shore publicly launched its Brighter Days Capital Campaign today, in support of the South Shore Regional Hospital Redevelopment Project.

Tremendous financial commitments from residents, businesses and governments in Lunenburg and Queens Counties is how Campaign Co-Chairs David Himmelman and Tim O’Regan say as of August 31st, the Brighter Days Capital Campaign has raised $2.1 million, with additional pledge commitments of $3.5 million.

“We are certainly hoping that we can count members of our South Shore communities in to give to this wonderful project,” said Tim O’Regan. “The Health Services Foundation of the South Shore has committed to raising funds in support of equipment and technology involved in this huge redevelopment of South Shore Regional. We are proud to say that many members of the business community and members of our own communities who we have talked to regarding this project, have embraced it, mostly due to their respect for the hard work done by our local health care professionals.”

The community at large is now being invited to give to the campaign. The South Shore Regional Hospital Redevelopment Project will see the 34-year-old facility’s Emergency, Day Surgery and Endoscopy Departments expand to have more capacity, while bringing a SPECT-CT scanner, twelve-bed Dialysis Unit and a long-awaited MRI scanner to the region.

Emergency Department Physician, Dr. Greg McNally, has been part of the discussions around this project for over a decade and joined the Brighter Days Campaign Cabinet as he knows how much this will mean, not only to patients, but to health care professionals on the South Shore.

“When today’s students (whether medical, nursing, or technology students) finish training,” said Dr. McNally, “they consider many things when they are choosing a place to live and work. What type of support will they have? What type of equipment and technology will be available?”

“This redevelopment project with its new MRI and dialysis services, along with the enhanced and more efficient Endoscopy, Day Care Surgery and Emergency Department facilities, will be exceptionally important when we are bringing new health care providers and physicians into our building and South Shore communities to entice them to live and work here.”

To inspire residents of the South Shore to give, the J & W Murphy Foundation has generously given a $1-million challenge gift to kick off the community campaign.

“There are so many areas of health care our family has interacted with over the years, and you come to realize how fortunate you are to have access to these types of resources,” said Lisa Murphy of the J & W Murphy Foundation. “If you are fortunate enough to have $10 or $100, $10,000 or $1-million to give to important causes that matter to you; and if the modernization of the South Shore Regional Hospital is on your important things list, please make a donation. We will match it. We are grateful for the health care people and resources that exist for us in our communities, and we are proud to do our part to bring Brighter Days to health care on the South Shore.”

Health Services Foundation’s Executive Director Arleen Stevens says there is a plan in place for if the organization is fortunate enough to exceed its fundraising goal. “We on the South Shore appreciate when a project is funded, but we really appreciate when there is a nest egg to continue to invest in these important ventures. Any excess funds raised will be put in the Brighter Days Legacy Fund, which will be there to continue to fund all the departments involved in the South Shore Regional Hospital Redevelopment. This fund will play an important role to keep these newly redeveloped areas up-to-date and functioning with the best equipment and technologies for many years to come.”

Donations to the Brighter Days Community Campaign will be accepted through to the Foundation’s annual Gift From the Heart Radiothon on CKBW and Country 100.7, February 14, 2023, which will conclude the Brighter Day campaign.

The Health Services Foundation of the South Shore is very excited and committed to raising $6.6-million in support of the South Shore Regional Hospital Redevelopment Project through our Brighter Days Capital Campaign. As our community campaign launches, there will be more frequent news to share on its volunteer-led fundraising effort in the coming months.


Media Contact:

Alison Clements

Manager, Strategic Engagement

Health Services Foundation of the South Shore
