The South Shore Regional Hospital Redevelopment has received $25,000 donation from Inside Out Cleaning Services.

The South Shore company made this generous donation after being approached by a volunteer of the Brighter Days Capital Campaign.

Jason Martell, CEO and Owner of Inside Out Cleaning Services, says his company has been involved in other positive community investments and has been searching for something to sink our teeth in and help with for a while.

“We are fortunate enough to be able to do it. We are all about improvement; it’s part of our values and we believe that this is a necessary improvement for the area. Health care plays a part in our employees’ lives and possibly in our client’s lives, so we want to be a part of this project.”

“We understand how incredibly crucial health is to everyone’s lives,” Jason adds. “We have been fortunate, from a family, personal and business standpoint, that we haven’t needed to use it that much. We have heard of all the stories and all the challenges that that the health care system has faced here and in many other places. If you find yourself in the fortunate position of being able to give, we believe this is a worthy opportunity to help your employee and client base in a long-term impactful way.”

Health Services Foundation Executive Director Arleen Stevens says it’s wonderful to have businesses of all sizes make meaningful gifts to the project. “The Brighter Days capital campaign has served as a rallying call for our South Shore communities to show support and invest in the enhancement of health care in our region. The Foundation is very grateful for this wonderful donation to this redevelopment.”

The Brighter Days Capital Campaign is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help ensure the residents of Nova Scotia’s South Shore have access to the best available health care facilities. The 48,705 sq. ft. expansion and redevelopment of the hospital is expected to be completed in 2025.

If you would like to make your own gift to the Brighter Days capital campaign, click here.