There are many ways for you to give to enable us to enhance health care in our region. We provide donors with the opportunities to make a difference not only for themselves and their families, but also for everyone – now and into the future.
We gratefully accept gifts of securities, support monthly giving and accept online donations. If you would like to remember us in your will, we can show you ways to include us in your Estate Planning so you can leave a lasting legacy. Tribute gifts are a way of honouring someone special to you.
And our Champions of Care recognition program allows you to celebrate a health care provider who went above your expectation of yourself of a loved one.
Those employed by Nova Scotia Health also have the option to give a gift to improve their workplace through the purchase of new and/or better equipment.
Find out more about each by visiting the links below.
Our medical professionals at both South Shore Regional and Fishermen's Memorial Hospitals deserve to work with the best equipment possible.
If you're considering a gift to local health care through the Health Services Foundation of the South Shore, these are current items your donation can support or purchase.
See an item you would like to support? Click here, choose other designation and mention it in the comments.
Cancer Care Program: Recliner Chair
This request is to replace an existing recliner chair in the infusion room.
Ergonomically, the current chair does not recline to the degree or extent required similar to the current infusion chairs. It is lower to the ground which causes some difficulty for the patients to stand from seating position.
Additionally, staff access to the patient for IV starts is difficult.
The requested replacement chair also provides two side tables for additional comfort and staff workspace.
Cost: $2,612
Cancer Care Program: Chart Rack
The chart rack is necessary to store and transport additional patient charts that are required to document care.
Staff are finding it difficult to manage, store and access files for daily treatments given the volume of care in the clinic and treatment area has increased.
Cost: $1,546
When you donate stock to the Health Services Foundation, you avoid paying tax on your capital gains. So, the gift costs you less than if you were to sell your stocks in order to give cash; and the Foundation, representing your local hospital, still receives the full amount of your donation.
For example, if you were to sell shares to give the Foundation a cash donation, you would receive a donation tax credit but you would be required to pay tax on half of your capital gains. If you were to donate the shares directly to the Foundation you would receive the same tax credit for the value of the shares but wouldn't pay any tax on the transaction.
Seek the advice of your financial planner or investment advisor to determine the best option for you.
Life Insurance Policies, GCIs, mutual funds can also be donated.
Through the gift of securities, you can help South Shore Regional and Fishermen’s Memorial Hospitals be here for patients and their families when it matters most.
Use the fillable charitable donation form, here:
Become a Foundation GEM (Gives Every Month)!
Your monthly support enables the Health Services Foundation to fund and enhance high-quality patient care and purchase the most advanced equipment for our Lunenburg County hospitals.
Becoming a GEM brings you closer to local health care, with special insights on projects and needs the Health Services Foundation is working on and a connection with our Executive Director.
If you would like to become a GEM or are already an existing monthly donor and would like to increase your monthly gift, please click here to speak with Melissa.
Make it online and receive your donation receipt instantly!
A legacy gift to the Health Services Foundation isn’t just a donation to improve local healthcare – it is an investment in where you live.
The healthcare system’s needs and demands are ever-growing. The generosity of donors like you is crucial in helping to maintain and enhance our local healthcare services and programs here, in the place you call home.
Leaving a legacy donation in your will is possibly the most personal and important donation you will ever make. It clearly lays out your final wishes to the loved ones you leave behind. Leaving a legacy donation to the Health Services Foundation of the South Shore gives you the ability to continue to help your family, friends and neighbours long after you are gone.
A donation in your will contributes so much to the health of our communities – not only when it is given but for years to come. Every gift of every size makes an impact in our local hospitals and the level of healthcare we can provide rurally. Gifts of stock, cash and a percentage of estate (residue) are common forms of gifts seen in wills. If you are unsure how to leave a Legacy Gift, have a consultation with your lawyer or accountant.
So many have been touched by the care and compassion they or a loved one has received at either South Shore Regional or Fishermen’s Memorial hospitals. You can designate your gift to either hospital location.
How others have left final gifts to us
Planning your will is often a large undertaking and one that needs some investigation and conversation. I would be happy to meet with you, in confidence, to discuss the ease and benefits of leaving a final gift to charity.
Arleen Stevens
Executive Director, Health Services Foundation of the South Shore
Special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries can all be honoured with a tribute gift to the Health Services Foundation
Say thank you to hospital team member who made your care exceptional. Pay special tribute to that staff person by making a donation to the Health Services Foundation to help purchase much needed equipment for our hospitals. On top of receiving a special Champion of Care pin, they receive a note informing them of the donation made in their name.
Have a Champion you would like to name? Fill out the online donation form or email
Invest in where you work!
Whether it is through the Johnson Insurance PayDay Jackpot or through payroll deductions, giving as an employee of South Shore Regional or Fishermen’s Memorial Hospitals, employee giving is easy! Your donation will help put the latest tools and technology in the hands of our skilled team members, like you.
If you are currently an employee and would like to discuss the ways you can to give, please call us at (902) 543-8065.